What on display is sold this is true but no one know how much work and energy is put on to make these display awesome.
And we all know well we go for awesome plus means we select more than better things in better, but can any one say what happen to those remaining best and better things,they goes for rebuilt,reconstruct and will come back with new quality,shape and size now this time some one pick them.
The time spent during the rebuilt,reconstruction is commonly know as what i don`t know but i call this a surviving time.
Let take a example of a modeler especially a female modelers because she have more patience than a male.
A female modeler work on his body very hardly wake up early ,workout 2 to 3 hour daily , eat boiled food ,take protein from green vegetable they avoid oil fatty food , a very strictly rule they follow, but what happen when they participate in a model show only two or three is be elected to work with a company for advertising,now what happen with remaining they continue follow her routine with a hope that next time she will must be selected and give her more extra effort on work they will select in next show or not that does matter ,matter is that they don`t loose hope give her extra effort until she will not selected.
After selection her effort is increase not decrease .
But truth is that no any selector know about her effort and neither they care about this they only know to choose the best in many best modelers.
But her efforts ,works and patience is inspiration for those who loose hope in their life ,yes also for me when i see any modelers pics salute her and say no one is like you ,your effort is my inspiration i respect you ,you all are such a power booster women .
I only want to say all people that never loose hope work hardly, if you start loosing hope look the surviving period of a successful people and be inspired.
Trust me their effort give you a lot courage to work on your dream.
author - shashi ranjan sharma(be kind & honest)
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